Tuesday, April 12, 2011

FAIL & UPSET:: soley~soley~..so..ley..leyyyy~

Hari ni genap 6 minggu aku start My Personal Diet Program..bagi yang masih ingat my first post dulu pasal camne aku gatal-gatal main alat penimbang kat JJ tuh and it’s come to my surprise yang aku ni sebenarnya obese..ulangkaji balik, obese ni ade dua:

1. BMI lebih 25 which is overweight

2. Body fat lebih 15% tuk lelaki & 18% tuk perempuan pun considered obese

Cam kes aku hari tu, timbang-timbang tengok body fat 26%..dah terlebih jauh dari range ideal..So aku dengan penuh semangatnya start buat research, bace segala macam buku, paper, jurnal, ebook, softcopy, hardcopy segala bagai tuk cari antara cara terbaik nak kurangkan body fat..and hari tu jugak aku decide nak start blog nih, so aku boleh share denagn sape-sape yang senasib or berminat nak tahu pasal fitness ni specifically about body fat loss..Lepas kaji punya kaji aku come up dengan My personal Diet Plan yang korang boleh refer kat post aku yang lepas-leaps sekali ngan rasional and explaination behind it..

Hari ni lepas 6 minggu berlalu, aku decide nak check balik camne progress aku so far..Unfortunately, the result is DISASTER!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS??????????????????

Kalau korang tengok stat dalam jadual kat atas ni, obviously everything went wrong with my diet program..selain berat yang bertambah 1kg, my body fat % pun naik jadi 27.2%..and my BMI now 24.3, which is hanya 0.7 point lagi nak sampai overweight..AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lepas tengok result ni, aku decide nak format balik semua program yang aku dah buat sebelum ni and come up with a new one..And this time, it will be aggressive..Yup..i’m very upset right now..camne lepas aku semangat wat research and jalan program for 6 weeks, the result is in fact negative..

My new fat loss program are based on beberapa kelemahan yang aku cuba kaji sendiri & take note dari komen-komen yang reader bagi pasal program sebelum ni..and the obvious weakness yang aku & them boleh detect are:

1. Takde regular checking..aku ambik masa 6 minggu sebelum aku check program aku ni jadi ke tak..if only I check sooner, aku akan tahu lebih awal and damage control could be taken earlier..

2. Cheating day..Cheating day ni bukan aku suka-suka reka but from my reading..bukan 1 buku tapi a lot that mention bout cheating day ni..tapi aku decide, not all person can go for it..Maybe aku ni kena suffer lebih lagi..So, I decide to exclude cheating day form my new plan..

3. Workout..sebelum ni aku memang malas nak workout..and since calorie deficit sound easier (yang tak tahu pasal calorie deficit, boleh refer post-post sebelum ni) so I go for it..Unfortunately, for my case again it’s not enough..dah la tak boleh buat cheating day, stakat jaga makan pun tak jadi..So, my new plan nih, aku include sekali workout both weight training & cardio plus calorie deficit..amik ko 3 skali, panas dah nih, takde kesian-kesian dah..

Aku harap plan baru nih akan jadi & I decide to start immediately..so hari ni 11.04.2011 is my day 1 for a new fat loss program..Next check up will be on 25.04.2011..My target is to loss 1KG, if possible pure body fat, kalau tak boleh, at least combination of it..SO BY 25.04.2011, MY BODY WEIGHT WILL BE 68KG..Sound rational & achievable isn’t it?? At least dalam masa 2 minggu I’m back to where I start back in February..FIGHTING!!!

NOTE TO EVERYONE: walaupun aku decide nak format balik program diet aku nih, it doesn’t mean that everything post before this is wrong..i studied all the topics, make comparison, and look for latest suggestion sebelum aku post semua pasal diet tuh, it’s just because we are in fact different, it might work to someone, but not to the others..so remember to check to nutritionist/doctor/fitness trainer before you start any diet/fat loss program to know which program suit you the best..


  1. ok..ikut cara diet aku lak..1.break1st jgn tgl..2.lunch wajib makan nasi. 3.mkan dinner kul 6.30ptg. 4.jgn mkn supper.. skipping 200x stp ari..=p

  2. cicik: will try..^^

    hafizien: ko tu memang metabolisma tinggi..tokleh wat gapo dah, makan banyak pon tak naik..huhuhu..

  3. senang turun.susah naik. ni dlm kategori apa lak? T.T

  4. tu metabolisma tinggi..depend ngan morphology badan gak..generally ade 3 jenis, endomorph, ectomorph, mesomorph..setiap kategori ni berlainan diet yang sesuai..

  5. physically..tapi body fat % tinggi..tak boleh gak camtu..
