Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nak diet dengan protein

Today we’ll discuss on another macro nutrient – PROTEIN..bagi yang nak build muscle, protein is the most important thing yang mesti di ambik berat..why? because our muscle are made from to build more muscle, we need more protein..but protein also important tuk yang nak loss weight..dalam entry sebelum ni ade discuss pasal what happen kalau badan tak cukup glucose (daripada carbohydrate) tuk generate energy, badan akan guna protein (ie our own muscle) tuk ditukar jadi glucose..

walaupun kita try nak elak benda ni from happen, but to lose weight kita still kena cut out our food intake (but not extreme) so chances are still there yang at some point badan kita akan habis glucose..thats why we need to consume makanan yang high protein, tuk counter balik protein yang hilang..take a look at this equation..

1. Maintain carbohydrate & fat intake + high protein = muscle mass increase

2. Reduce carbohydrate & fat intake + high protein = muscle mass maintain (only fat loss)

3. reduce carbohydrate, fat & protein intake = loss in muscle mass

(these equations only explain what happen in general, the details on exact quantity will be explain later plus other factors that affect muscle growth & fat loss..)

Remember muscle will be lost faster than fat, so you lose weight but still high % of body fat, you’ll look thinner but with spare tire everywhere, metabolism decrease, result in very difficult to further lose weight but easy to gain weight, and when you gain weight, it is accumulation of fat..Wow..This is disaster isn’t it?? So take it very seriously pasal protein intake ni tuk both condition, nak buang lemak or nak tambah muscle..

Mane nak dapat protein? protein kita boleh dapat dari dua sumber, animal source and plant good news for vegetarian huh..unfortunately, cuma protein from animal source je yang dipanggil complete what is this complete protein anyway? Protein bila kita makan akan breakdown jadi amino acid..amino acid yang badan kita akan serap to build muscle & other biological function..amino acid ni ade 22 in total, and form that, 8 of them are essential amino acid..similar cam kes fatty acid hari tu, essential means 8 amino acid ni badan kita takleh produce or synthesize sendiri, so need to be obtained from food..protein from animal dipanggil complete protein sebab it contain all 8 of this essential amino acid, means just dengan makan seketul ayam, we get all amino acid we need..berbeza dengan tumbuhan, protein dari tumbuhan considered as incomplete protein, sebab kita tak leh dapat all 8 essential amino acid from a single source..example, soya maybe ade 5 daripada 8 amino acid and kacang might have the other 3..(this is just an example, nak tahu pasal composition sebenar boleh try tanya kat encik Google) jadi tuk dapat complete protein, we need to consume both soya & kacang..tedious sometimes, and also extra calories, not good tuk somebody yang concern pasal total calories yang dia ambik..

tuk yang nak build muscle, sumber protein yang di suggest is beef, fish, poultry, whole eggs (kuning ngan putih), and whey protein..try elakkan protein from deli meat, processed meats and soy protein..tuk fat loss, chicken, any seafood and whey protein is acceptable tapi try avoid ground beef, roast beef, semua jenis kacang, deli meats & duck..kenape kena pilih-pilih ni?? Sebabnya bukan kerana the protein itself tapi more kepada kandungan lemak dalam makanan tu, tuk build muscle we doesn’t concern much about fat (as long as it is healthy fat, it’s ok) compare dengan yang nak lose fat, total fat intake need to be observed..

Lastly, extra information, the 8 essential amino acid yang kita perlukan:

Isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan & valine..kadang-kadang kat label makanan ade tulis benda-benda ni especially kat food supplement..

Disclaimer: This post is only a guideline and additional reading material & not a professional advice..The author is not responsible for any health problem or injury happen to anyone who tried any method in this post. Please consult a doctor and professional fitness trainer before begin any diet/fitness program/weight loss program etc.

Betul ke lemak musuh no 1 kalau nak diet?

Ok, so today we’ll discuss about another macro nutrient need by our body..FAT..(slang cam cikgu sekolah)..Fat atau dalam bahasa melayunya lemak..biasanya lemak ni adalah benda yang paling sensitif kalau kita sebut depan orang tengah cream, french fries, burger, ayam goreng, & nasi lemak etc..semua makanan yang berlemak ni memang pantang datuk moyang takleh makan kalau nak diet..yela, kate nak buang lemak, tapi makan lagi yang berlemak-lemak ni..useless tul..

Unfortunately, sama cam kes makan nasi hari tu, tuk lemak pun that claim is somewhat not precise..kebanyakkan kes obesity bukan sebab makan lebih lemak tapi lebih carbohydrate (refer previous post to know why)..

Dalam makanan, there are 2 type of fat..good fat, bad fat..good fat is actually good for our body (duh? Nama pun dah good..) and we should not avoid eating this type of fat..ape fungsi good fat ni (aka essential fat)?

Essential fatty acids are unsaturated fat (lemak tak tepu) that necessary for many biological functions in our body. And essential fat ni termasuk dalam kumpulan makanan berfungsi (direct translation of functional food). Maksud functional food is, nutrient yang ade dalam jenis makanan ni badan kita tak leh produce sendiri, means tuk dapatkan nutrient ni, mesti melalui makanan..It cannot be produce in our body, it need to be consume..

Ade dua jenis essential fat yang badan kita perlukan:

1. linoleic acid (omega-6)

omega-6 ni kita boleh dapat daripada minyak bunga matahari and canola oil. (both are available in the supermarket, just check the label)

2. Linolenic acid (omega-3)

Omega-3 ni ade dalam hampir semua jenis ikan air tawar, keli, haruan, etc and also from linseed oil (aka flaxseed oil), juga terdapat di pasaraya berhampiran anda..^_^

Antara fungsi kedua-dua lemak ni is to increase testosterone production..testosterone ni hormone yang promote muscle growth and increase bone strength, and jangan lupa, both male & female ade hormone ni, buke tok hok jate ja..(tukar slang jap)

Selain tu,essential fatty acid increase the amount of HDL cholesterol dalam darah..(HDL cholesterol baik, cholesterol jahat tu nama dia LDL cholesterol)..and kesan paling penting bagi yang nak lose weight ie losing fat is, of course the increase growth rate of muscle (dari hormone testosterone tadi)..sebabnya more muscle in our body increase our metabolism, increase metabolism means makanan cepat diprocess & diguna, so takde nak simpan-simpan banyak, result in weight loss..i’ll explain more on metabolism later..

So, what to choose now? Dalam makanan ade dua bentuk lemak ie solid yang kita panggil lemak or liquid, yang kita panggil Malaysia, obviously minyak yang lebih main peranan since tuk lemak pepejal we don’t have that much choice, susah nak buang lemak dari makanan cam ayam, daging, ikan etc except for the obvious cam buang kulit tu our limiting factor now is oil..

Jadi tuk diet, choose the correct type of oil..ade tiga jenis minyak, ie saturated oil, monounsaturated oil, & polyunsaturated oil.. contoh saturated oil is minyak kelapa about 90% saturated, and for unsaturated is olive oil (minyak zaitun, about 98% unsaturated), palm oil kat tengah-tengah about 45% saturated 55% unsaturated (no oil that 100% saturated or 100% unsaturated)

In our diet, nisbah penggunaan minyak harian by RDA (recommended dietary allowances) is 1:1:1..means kalu nak consume 6mL minyak sehari, make sure it is 2mL saturated, 2mL monounsaturated & 2mL polyunsaturated..Huh?? so takkan nak goreng ikan kena cari tiga-tiga jenis minyak, minyak kelapa, minyak zaitun, minyak ape lagi, kena ukur pastu campur sekali?? Complicated sangat dah ni..

Fortunately for us, there is oil available in the market known as designer oil..designer oil ni bukan specific minyak kelapa or zaitun tapi yang dah undergo blending process, the manufacture dah tolong kita bahagikan bila beli minyak, check the label, you will see some are labeled as designer oil..

One more tip, bila nak goreng something, guna minyak yang high % in saturated oil..tuk unsaturated oil, just consume raw, cam makan minyak ikan dalam botol tu..why? because unsaturated oil is unstable..kalau guna tuk goreng ie high temperature, it will oxidize, producing carcinogenic compound during the oxidation..carcinogen can cause cancer..saturated oil dah stable, so kalau guna tuk goreng pun, tak ter’oxidize’ sangat..but better kalau elakkan terus la goreng-goreng nih..

Hmm..rasanya ade banyak lagi nak discuss pasal fat ni..but never mind..dapat basic idea tu ok la for least you know how to choose which fat to consume..Once again, fraction berapa banyak nak consume fat sehari, I’ll discuss later..

Disclaimer: This post is only a guideline and additional reading material & not a professional advice..The author is not responsible for any health problem or injury happen to anyone who tried any method in this post. Please consult a doctor and professional fitness trainer before begin any diet/fitness program/weight loss program etc.

Diet taknak makan nasi? Are you sure?

Bila bercakap pasal diet, ramai yang berfikir, diet yang paling cepat & berkesan is jangan makan one part its true but others it’s not..i have discuss about this topic related to ‘takkan makan nasi sampai bila-bila’ diet program but since now I started a new topic on diet, let’s just have some revision on this..

Nasi (rice) is the main source of carbohydrate for people in other countries, they consume wheat, oat, potatoes, etc but all this food provide the same macro nutrient – CARBOHYDRATE, plus some other nutrient in small amount..bagi yang kurang jelas what is exactly carbohydrate, carbohydrate is a polysaccharide that when consume by human, converted to glucose (sugar) and use to produce energy..meaning that, no nasi = no carbohydrate = no energy

What happen bila kita makan nasi? nasi akan di digest jadi glucose sebelum badan boleh serap..glucose further oxidize (maksudnya digest la lebih kurang) jadi pyruvate, NADH & ATP..bagi yang first time dengar bendalah ni, no need to understand deeply about the term, cukup la kalau tahu ATP tu la yang bagi energy..nak energy, badan terus convert glucose & producing ATP..ATP, tenaga tuk buat suma kerja harian, mandi, jalan gi kelas, main bola petang2 & berjoget time karok..without ATP, no energy..

Lain orang lain kuantiti ATP yang dia perlukan, bergantung kepada intensity of the activity they do, kalau stakat lepak tengok cita korea, takde la guna ATP sangat, tapi kalau lari pecut sebab dah 1 jam lambat gi final exam, tu memang banyak la ATP digunanya..

Camne pula kalu banyak makan nasi tapi tak banyak buat kerja? Excess glucose dalam badan akan di convert jadi glycogen, (tangki minyak emergency) sedia tuk guna incase emergency..sebab badan tak leh simpan glucose lama-lama, banyak glucose dalam darah buat darah jadi pekat, easy to clot = heart attack or stroke..

so, let say hari ni hari ahad & aku nak bersenang-lenang je..aku makan tengah hari ngan 3 pinggan nasi, pastu layan drama korea sampai malam pastu tido..most likely, glucose dari 3 pinggan nasi tu aku tak habis guna badan aku ni pun tukar la glucose tu jadi glycogen sebab taknak t darah beku & kena stroke..esoknya isnin, aku decide nak puasa..sebab layan korea sampai lewat malam, tak bangun sahur & tersedar pukul 8.30..sebab dah lambat, dengan tak mandinya (dengan subuh yang terbang skali) terus pecut g kelas..tengah hari tu pulak, masa nak balik kena kejar anjing gila tepi jalan, kena pecut lagi selamatkan evening, most likely semua glucose dalam badan aku dah habis guna sebab tak breakfast & makan tengah hari (puasa tadi kan..) time ni la emergency fuel tank (glycogen) akan diguna..badan akan covert balik glycogen tadi (dari nasi 3 pinggan semalam) jadi glucose to producing energy..

Tapi ape kes kalau hari-hari makan banyak nasi tapi takde kerja berat? Time tu barula glycogen tadi ditukar jadi fat, and kalau berterusan, result in accumulation of fat = obes..(macam kes aku ni la, mkn tido makan tido sedar2 dah 68kg)..

Ai, tadi kate tak betul diet tak makan nasi, tapi sekarang kata nasi buat gemuk, mana satu ni? Haaa..kan? (ayat favorite roommate aku, tak tahu knape dia suka sebut word ‘haaa…kan?’ nih..)

Tadi aku explain ape akan jadi kalau terlebih makan nasi, now I’ll explain ape akan jadi kalu tak cukup nasi..when we need energy, but our body running out of glucose, & glycogen pun dah habis (memang extreme tak makan nasi sampai tangki emergency pun kering) our body will look out for alternative fuel source (cam minyak gak la, bila petrol dah takde t tak tahu la kereta guna ape..nuclear kot) & for our body, alternative fuel source is protein..yup, it’s not fat..Fatty acid cannot serve as glucose precursors in animals (human) because they are degraded completely to acetyl-CoA. (ape kebenda nih? Huhu..) ayat aku tu just nak explain scientifically kenape tapi kalu tak paham cukup la kalau tahu yang bila glucose & glycogen habis, body will use amino acid ie protein tuk tukar jadi glucose in a process called Gluconeogenesis (nak sebut pun berbelit lidah nih). Kesannya, badan akan kehilangan jisim otot (sebab otot made of protein), our body will consume protein form our own muscle & not from body will lose weight but not fat..the only mass that you lost is muscle mass, skali ngan air, since our body composition is 70% water, and muscle yang hold air, so hilang muscle = hilang air as well..and bila hilang muscle mass, takyah la nak mimpi dapat 6 pack abs, tight arm, big biceps etc sebab not enough muscle to build it..

My advice, eat correct quantity..camne nak tahu banyak mana? I’ll explain next time..

Disclaimer: This post is only a guideline and additional reading material & not a professional advice..The author is not responsible for any health problem or injury happen to anyone who tried any method in this post. Please consult a doctor and professional fitness trainer before begin any diet/fitness program/weight loss program etc.

Jom kita start diet program..NOW!!!

Semalam aku gi timbang berat..saje nak tengok berapa berat aku sekarang sebab aku perasan ade perubahan pada bentuk fizikal yang aku rasa agak bulat dari biasa..and for my surprise berat aku 68KG..68? WHAT THE HELL??? (bak kata Avril)..dengan berat 68kg aku telah berjaya memecahkan rekod peribadi sebelum ni 66kg 2 tahun lepas..but im not proud of that, tambah lagi dengan %body fat yang sangat tinggi 26%, aku dikategorikan sebagai obes..bagi yang tak paham kenape, konsep obes terbahagi kepada 2:

1. Berdasar pada BMI

2. Berdasar pada % of body fat

Tuk BMI mudah nak tahu, hanya ukur tinggi & timbang berat,then tanya kat encik Google rumus kira BMI & kira sendiri. BMI lebih 25 dikira obes & bawah 19 dikira under weight. Tapi kes aku ni lain ckit, my BMI is 23, which is ok tapi berat dalam badan aku ni kebanyakkannya datang dari lemak..daripada total 68kg, berat lemak is 18kg..approx. 26%..this is not good either. Ideal fat composition for man is around 15% and woman 18%..tuk atlet lelaki body fat diorang biasanya bawah 10% and atlet perempuan 12%..yup, nak bagi 6pax abs tu visible, make sure body fat lelaki bawah 10% and girl around 12%, not just doing 100 times of sit up aku akan touch lagi details later pasal tips tuk dapat 6 pax..

Girl out there don’t worry about the higher % of body fat for ya’ll sebab perempuan memang akan mempunyai body fat lebih dari lelaki (untuk tujuan mengandung & melahirkan anak).

Balik kepada isu aku tadi, sebab aku dah tahu im obes (in term of fat %,) I need to do something, NOW..and aku decide minggu ni 21.02.2011 aku akan start my diet program..the result should be noticed in 2 weeks time ie 06.03.2011..

Bagi yang plan nak diet tapi tak tahu cara (hint: starve yourself is not a true diet program, you just destroy yourself), boleh la ambik method yang aku guna ni as a guideline..but do not expect the same result as me, sebab each individual is my advice, tengok method yang aku guna, & adjust ikut kesesuaian diri..Guideline tuk adjust? I’ll elaborate later together with my next post which is about the details of my diet program..

p/s: sape2 yang curious whether method aku ni boleh guna tak, to be honest aku pun tak tahu sebab aku sendiri baru start nak buat hari ni..tapi semua method yang aku guna ni based on my reading from the book related to diet, weight loss & muscle building..

Disclaimer: This post is only a guideline and additional reading material & not a professional advice..The author is not responsible for any health problem or injury happen to anyone who tried any method in this post. Please consult a doctor and professional fitness trainer before begin any diet/fitness program/weight loss program etc.